John Lennon had it right. All you need is love!
It is truly unfortunate that those in power not only live in the context of fear and scarcity they actually feed off of the fear generated by other's fears and scarcity. When is this poor, little, feeble insecure race of homo sapien-sapiens going to realize that there are only two human emotions which fuel nearly all behaviors of mankind: love and fear? And the silliest aspect of it all? Fear doesn't even exist.
In an electron microscope, one can actually see the photon particles of light buzzing around with some semblance of mass though nearly imperceptible. Light exists. It it there, it is real. Conversely, one cannot scoop up a spoonful of darkness and examine it under the same microscope simply because darkness does not really exist. There is no darkness particle (not to be confused with dark matter). Darkness only exists because light does not.
And so it is with love and fear; love symbolic for light and fear for darkness. Fear is an illusion and truly only exists in our heads. So why is there so much of what doesn't even exist?
Well, you'll have to remind yourself the next time you find yourself jealous, angry, stubborn, insecure, anxious, impatient, rude, condescending, hesitant, pugnacious, prideful, accusatory, narcissistic, sensitive, hurt, frustrated or any other lower frequency emotions, that they are all directly connected to fear and since the bottom line is that fear doesn't exist, neither do the fear based emotions we cling so fervently to.
Think about it.