“I am ashamed to think how easily we capitulate to badges and names, to large societies and dead institutions.”  
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Your Future at Stake
Your Future at Stake--Now More Than Ever! 
UPDATE: (6/4/20) Due to sensitive data, videos are being removed from the source regularly.  It is advised to download videos you favor before internet control.
This may be the most important email you’ve ever received!  As a researcher of facts and Truth since 1977—truth; that which is irrefutable—I do not engage in  opinion, supposition, hyperbole, inference nor conspiracy but rather well vetted, corroborated and, as undeniable as humanly possible, with the tools currently available, solid data and evidence to conclude, theorize or subscribe to.  
Life as we know it is in serious danger and if all you do is view this material, you’ve done half that which is necessary to triumph over dark alliances. However, after viewing it all,  one must ask themselves, now that I know… what will I “ACTUALLY DO’?”  
For those new to the Red Pill as stated in the movie, The Matrix, within the context of truths and deception, let’s distinguish a definition of terms:  
  1. Belief—“an acceptance of” or in anything as real or true. Any adherence or relevance to Truth, proof, science, facts, evidence, data or any form or construct is inconsequential.  (i.e. one’s belief in Santa Claus) 
  2. Subscription“the acceptance of; attested by; the act of subscribing” to that which has revealed some semblance of it’s presence regardless of it’s current form.  (i.e., subscribing to a broadcasting signal not received; subscribing to the acceptance of a location never visited, an entity not seen, or an atomic particle not discovered). 
  3. Truth“indisputable fact, principle, item” That which is irrefutable, however, relative within it’s context. Devoid of any perspective, positioning, stance or outcome whatsoever.   (i.e., it is a fact that the sun appears to traverse the sky from east to west, yet untrue that the sun revolves around the earth). 
Just a quick note to those who are stuck in feelings,beliefs and opinions rather than facts, data and truths.  
Please recognize internally while noticing the following prior to making conclusions:  
  • Confirmation biasness 
  • Belief system adherence 
  • Bread crumbs; repetitive insignificant coincidences 
  • Censorship 
  • Removal from public view 
  • Ad hominem  (Fallacious argumentative strategy that avoids genuine discussion of the topic by instead attacking the character, motive of person associated with argument) 
  • Disinformation (False information intended to mislead) 
Everything in the universe is a process but content is content.  Both are verydistinct and need to be recognized as such while reviewing all material.  
VIDEO #1  
Though thoroughly informative, this five hour video covers the entire world’s rise of power from Egyptian history to contemporary times and how it is all intertwined. It is not for all.
VIDEO #2  
A brief synopsis of the secret societies which formed our country with an agenda most know not.
VIDEO #3  
The dissection and open end questioning of the, media, government,  education system, major industries and the status quo of the establishment foisted upon society and what citizens are not understanding about it.  
VIDEO #4  
An historical and current look into how the powers that be have systematically processed people into the places and positions in society and how much of what you think, is not simply by chance.  
VIDEO #5  
Uncovering the genetic link between all U.S. presidents and how the illusion of choice is just that: an illusion.  
VIDEO #6  
A topic not readily allowed nor seen much on our censored internet.  Why?  Who are those in control? Further down the rabbit hole of the true powers that be.  
VIDEO #7  
Additional look into the 28,000 Wiki-Leaks revealed some uncomfortable truths Zi@nists don’t want you to see.  A must watch!
NOTE: (While looking for this video on YouTube, I came across something very interesting. When searching for Hispanic or Black men being killed, YouTube had no problem displaying copious graphic videos for this search devoid of disabled browser features.  But upon searching for the Israel documentary, look what  message comes up below:
It needs to be duly noted here that, while hundreds of videos appeared for the Blacks & Hispanics being killed, with graphic violence, beatings, shootings and bodies lying in their own pools of blood—scenes offensive to society as a whole—when searching for the Zi0nist Israel video with no graphic scenes whatsoever, the warning message of being “inappropriate and offensive to some audiences” appeared.  This appears to be a double standard. The question is why the censorship then? Is this truth censorship?  Lastly, search engines routinely flag or ban certain words in this free speech country in which we supposively live in which is why the misspelling of the word zi0n.)
One of the most controversial of videos, this is one of the videos that kicked the dark alliance into high gear by way of blatant censorship and a media storm of propaganda.
FIVE GEE AND CERTIFICATION OF VACCINATION ID-19 32:30 (Previously banned or removed video) You won’t find this video anywhere!
Another from the family of mostcontroversial videos, the information contained here is the true agenda the dark alliance absolutely does not want you to know.
Further validation from Canadian and Australian news teams on this new danger.  
This video was removed within 2 days of being aired on an NBC local KGET affiliate.
Not even 10 minutes after airing  on T.V. news was the video removed from nearly all internet platforms, literally substantiating the censoringbeing perpetrated by the media en masse.
Tucker Carlson probing even further into the Dr. Erikson video internet removal and challenges the legality and motives of the tech industry.  
Homemade video that has been removed showing what is growing under skin with unknown origin facilitated by technology.  
Background, research and motives of Bill Gates from Bill’s mouth.  Irrefutable data.
VIDEO #16  
See how many lies Bill Gates perpetrated and his contribution to one of the world’s worst molesters.
FALL CABAL 2:58:06
This documentary may shock and anger you exposing everything from the pedophiles that you know, admire and vote for, to what the current administration is currently doing for this nation and for the  planet.  Troops have already been dispelled world wide.  (So truthful, YouTube deleted entire channel).
Section Version 13:00 to 19:00  minutes each
Hollywood celebs declaring who will the election. They were wrong.
Facts surrounding Hollywood celebs  connections, friends, herd mentality, predictions, motives, secrets and final outcomes.
A serious look into what the dark alliance accepts and advocates with regard to gender, sex and the accepted norm.
Info Wars' Alex Jones reveals documented hard evidence substantiating this video's title.
Untampered video from the files of mostly C-SPAN TV, see Biden fondle young children right on camera.
ABC's Sam Donaldson, White House Correspondent and respected journalist, reveals Biden's lies.
Non-partisan look by an expert revealing the body language which gives Joe Biden away.
A must see if you had ever considered the Clinton's as a candidate for any office. Think again. All should watch this revealing documentary.
The following photos are graphic, not suitable for children.
INSERT #1  Coding for the emails to follow
INSERT #2 Try reading the emails before reading this cipher and see what you think.
INSERT #6 See who the guests are.  The same people keep appearing throughout.
INSERT #7 Celebrities are busted!
INSERT #8 Confidential email checked & names confirmed.
INSERT #10 Corroborated with other articles, source of article not found
INSERT #11 Ellen & Oprah "BUSTED!"
INSERT #11 (video)
NPC shows details Oprah's house arrest anklet in 5 scenes.
INSERT #11A (face on Ellen's sweat jacket proposed to be mutilated baby face in next frame)
INSERT #12 Leaked from police, actual Anthony Weiner pic from Clinton
INSERT #13 Nat'l Guard bring in trafficked children in capacity
A corroborating video of much of the news and photo information on the internet and contained in this email.
Take a peek at the over 1,300 executives stepping down country and world wide now that the the human trafficking law is in effect.
An impacting video from Hollywood stuntman insider and what he uncovers after years of being in the dark.
Showing the eccentricity of the pedo-left, dark alliance elite.
The main whistleblower of the celebrity elite who gave the ultimate price for the cause.
Two small children talk candidly about what there father and his friend did to them during rituals.
Congratulations! If you made it this far and have read and listened to every single video I would say, you may be a different person than when you started.  Some are completely aghast while others are in a mild state of shock.  
I know, I was there with you!  
  1. TRUTH—“The Truth shall set you free”.  You must be truthful with yourself first.  “You can’t give away what you don’t have”.  Truth has always been here. There is only one truth.  That is, the way it unfolded.  But there are a myriad of perspectives and lies
  2. ACCURACY—def. “the quality or state of being correct or precise”; “faithful measurement or representation of truth”. I consider my senses that of a video cam recording the play of life.  And when played back, doing my damnedest to present what was recorded as it happened devoid of my emotional or antithetical input.  Therefore, if what I repeat is incorrect, then my sources were inaccurate.  That’s okay; everyone errors. Simply learn and improve.
  3. UNDERSTANDING—Seek to understand by asking questions. Remember, our world is now filled with strategized dis-perception (deception) and dis-information (intentional misleading).  To help in peeling back the layers of deceit, follow the source,  ownership then money. Therein will lie the source of data. 
  4. GRIEF—This information goes against nearly everything you’ve been told. Most will face what Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’ research points to as The Five Stages of Grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression & Acceptance.  https://www.psycom.net/depression.central.grief.html  Some will experience cognitive dissonance, others will defend, deflect and deny while some will flat out refute and condemn it all.  That’s okay.  Because if you stick with Truth and accuracy, you’ll have nothing to fear. 
5. BROADCAST—This is the very least we can do!  Spread the words of Truth to all.  Here is why you count and why you make a difference:
    1. “Too often we…enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought” ~John F. Kennedy 
    2. “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future” ~John F. Kennedy 
    3. “The great enemy of the truth is very often not a lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic” ~John F. Kennedy 
    4. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men [sic] and women to nothing” ~Edmond Burke
No one knows everyone you know.  Doing nothing is doing something.  You’ve made a choice; nothing.  I urge every single one of you to pass this on to all you know. For:  
“There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction”. ~John F. Kennedy  
6.FOCUS—The dark alliance, cabal, illuminati, Satanists, etc., though have infiltrated society, are very few.  Conversely, Light Workers, Energy Workers and Christ and Gaia Consciousness are 100 times more in numbers and are stronger. Everyone pulls from the same energy. It is neither saintly or sinful. Similarly as electricity can kill you or power a city.  Universal energy is what it is; it depends upon how its applied.  The dark alliance realizes this. Their focus is to understand the workings of the Human Psyche (seen Physical Laws) Laws of Nature (unseen Spiritual Laws).  There is electromagnetic resonance in everything including numbers, dates, months, years, etc http://whale.to/b/duke.html. The dark alliance realizes this and uses it to control the people of this planet.  http://www.occult-mysteries.org/numerology.html  Light workers are like 10 farmers with shotguns.  The dark force is like a sniper with Remington 700 sniper rifle sporting a Bushnell Elite Tactical 50mm scope. In a long distance scenario, the sniper wins every time.
7.KNOWLEDGE—In nearly every professional sport player, coaches insist on their team viewing the opposite team’s game tape.  Why?  To increase knowledge. To get the inside track with regard to techniques, strong suits and weaknesses.  The same applies with dark luciferin.  Keep our friends close and enemies closer.  Do not fear this information but study it so as to understand.  The world is built by occultists and is being run by pedophiles.  Are you complicit with this?
A must see video for the true seekers of knowledge! Akin to viewing the world without glasses for the 1st time.  This is the Play Book of the opposing team. You will glean much!
  1. ACTION—Obviously the more society knows the truth, the better equipped we are for defeat. Here is what YOU can do: 
    1. Send this to all!  Especially the non-believers.  They need it the most.  And emphasize to everyone you send to, to do the same. 
    2. Set your alarm for 11:11, the pre-eminent, indivisible numeric sign appearing in the Bible over 1,700 times, and say a prayer of cabal defeat while light, lover and awareness envelope the planet.  Visualize dark luciferin individuals being removed from power and discovered for who they are. 
    3. Don’t be a feudalist.  Do not do nothing.  The country and the planet needs everyone to pull through. If all stand up, the game is over. Destiny is for those who take control of their lives, fate is for the rest.Elizabeth Johnson reveals the 45 communistic goals read into our congressional record as early as 1963.
Public lecture snippet of Elizabeth pointing out 8 of the 45 acts of Marxism being implemented into the free world at this very moment.
See the actual measuring tool of your prayers and how prayer changes in 7.83 hertz of the earth to cease world violence.
One of the heaviest video series I have ever encountered. Not for those who aren't serious lightworkers. Very deep, quite quantum technical.  Good luck! 😄
Thank you and good fortune!

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